
joi, 5 septembrie 2013

Found poetry 3. Kenneth Goldsmith

În continuarea postării precedente am luat direct de pe facebook, că n-am răbdare să reformulez acum:

"Anca Bucur moving language from one place to another, proclaming that context is the new content. goldsmith îi mai zice și patchwriting, numai că el ia bucăți din mai multe texte. are mai spre sfărșitul lui uncreative writing și niște exemple.
21 hours ago · Like

Dmitri Miticov Super, nu ştiam. E bine aşa

12 hours ago via mobile · Like

Dmitri Miticov Am vazut ca-i mai zice si 'repurposing'. Si merge cu ideea mai departe intr-o zona extrema in care eu nu m-as duce: 'the world is full of texts, more or less interesting; I do not wish to add any more'. Deci nu generare de text, ci generare de sensuri pt texte existente. Un fel de reutilizare
12 hours ago via mobile · Like

Anca Bucur da, asa e. reutilizare, reciclare, recontextualizare, însușire de alte texte fără citare, intentional plagiarism cum îl numește el. mă gândeam că nu te-ai duce până acolo  când vorbește despre intentional plagiarism și patchwriting pornește de la eseul asta, a lui lethem

The Ecstasy of Influence | Harper's Magazine
All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter ...See More
11 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Anca Bucur daca ai rabdare sa ajungi la sfarsit, o sa vezi ca tot textul e de fapt un colaj coerent. dă toate sursele
11 hours ago · Like

Dmitri Miticov Nu-i vorba ca nu m-as duce la intentional plagiarism care oricum nu mai e plagiarism din moment ce l-ai anuntat ca sursa, dar nu m-as duce acolo unde nu mai e nevoie deloc de generare de text. Cred ca e vorba de un fel de orgoliu sa faci si ceva al tau
Citesc diseara cred ca gasesc pdf si cartea aia cu uncreative writing"

N-am găsit pdf, dar tare mult aș vrea să le citesc pe astea două:
Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing (2011)
Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in a Digital Age (2011)

Dacă mă-ntrebați pe mine, e o manieră mult mai expresivă de a face poezie decît unele forme cunoscute (prin recontextualizarea textului - abilitatea mutîndu-se de la invenție de text sau unități de text la creare de context). Deși putem asocia această metodă unui fel ingineresc de a privi poezia, o prefer ingineriei de a produce figuri de stil în acel mod excesiv care distruge orice speranță de expresivitate.

Unde eu vedeam umor și ironie născute din contradicții din interiorul recontextualizării observ abia acum că același gen de contradicții pot genera tensiuni în sens invers (cu accente grave) și mă folosesc de două texte ale lui  Kenneth Goldsmith, poet american de numele căruia se leagă cele două cărți de mai sus (prima - o antologie, a doua - o colecție de eseuri menite să teoretizeze toată această recontextualizare a textului la care am făcut referire)

Two Poems from “The Day”

Metropolitan Forecast

          Metropolitan Forecast
          today Less humid, sunshine
          High 79. Noticeably less humid air will filter into the metropolitan region on. Brisk winds from the northwest. High pressure building east from the Great Lakes will promote mainly sunny skies. Daytime readings will peak in the lower 80’s.
          tonight Clear, lighter winds
          Low 62. Skies will be clear overnight as high pressure crests near the Middle Atlantic Coast. Humidity will remain low, and temperatures will fall to around 60 degrees in many spots.
          tomorrow Mainly sunny
          High 76. Sunshine and just a few clouds will fill the sky. Breezes will turn and blow from the south ahead of a cold front approaching from Canada.


          e2 the new york times, tuesday, september 11, 2001
          ARTS ABROAD
          Continued From First Arts Page
          On Islam, Mr. Houellebecq went still further, deriding his estranged mother for converting to Islam and proclaiming that, while all monotheistic religions were “cretinous,” “the most stupid religion is Islam.” And he added: “When you read the Koran, you give up. At least the Bible is
          Sexual tourism
          and inflammatory
          remarks about
          very beautiful because Jews have an extraordinary literary talent.” And later, noting that “Islam is a dangerous religion,” he said it was condemned to disappear, not only because God does not exist but also because it was being undermined by capitalism.

NOTES: Kenneth Goldsmith is perhaps best known for his work Day, in which he transcribed every word of a mundane day’s issue of the New York Times into a nine-hundred-page book. For his work “The Day,” he did the same exact task to the New York Times of September 11, 2001. Hence, even the innocuous news reports and weather are loaded with fact, fear, and emotion, making us aware that language is never simply an innocent carrier of meaning but is wildly variable depending upon context and framing.

Source: Poetry (July/August 2009).

și mulțumesc, Anca

5 comentarii:

  1. cu plăcere :), si link la antologie

  2. si uite un delicios fragment de interviu:

    Steve Paulson: So you're saying the digital media has challenged writers to do something different, maybe to be more experimental in the process to give up some of our old ideas about what creative writing is all about, what originality is all about.

    Goldsmith: Well, I actually don't think that this is really that unoriginal. As a matter of fact you can cut and paste in very original and very unique and very expressive ways. You can create an entire novel that you haven't written that nobody else could write by the way that you've cut, pasted, and sewn it together. I mean this again of course goes right to hip hop tracks and things that nobody would even think twice about in other parts of culture.

    Paulson: Well, I have to ask you about an even that you were part of actually at the White House. President and Mrs. Obama's celebration of American Poetry and I know you read some of your work there including a piece called traffic. Can you tell me about this work, traffic?

    Goldsmith: Well, it's a transcription on New York Radio. We have wonderful traffic here in New York. New York News Radio, a wonderful station that's very old called 1010 WINS is around the clock news. Every ten minutes they give the traffic report. So this was a book that was 24 hours worth of traffic reports every ten minutes on the ones as they say.

    Paulson: Could you give us a sample of this?

    Goldsmith: Are you ready?

    Paulson: Sure.

    Goldsmith: Okay. (READING) Four thirty-one...Remember how bad it was yesterday? It's starting again. The east side delays begin at the tri-borrough. It's pretty much one long line now all the way to the Battery. The west side delays to the Battery begin back at the boat basin. At 79th Street we've got a ton of interior traffic in midtown. Seventh Avenue in Times Square, that's the delay, that's where it all gets going. It comes out of Central Park. Broadway and Eighth Avenue is going to be impacted by that as well. On the east side, side streets are packed through the 40s and 50s and that's why 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Park Avenue right now an absolute mess. So trying to get around Manhattan just like yesterday is not going to be easy at all. Across the East River already a ton of traffic each way on the Brooklyn Bridge. Now the Manhattan Bridge is bumper to bumper coming into Manhattan. Jam packed on the upper roadway to Brooklyn. The lower roadway is also a mess. 59th Street bridge is getting real bad. The belt is jammed east off the Verrazano. Some types of problems on the way west towards Coney Island and right now heavy transit delays. Be sure to budget extra travel time taking the LIRR out of Penn Station. (END OF READING) And there you have it.

    Paulson: So that's what you read to President Obama?

    Goldsmith: I read traffic reports to the President of the United States.

  3. Paulson: And how did that go over at the White House?

    Goldsmith: They loved it. They absolutely loved it. It was very funny because I chose to put together a little set about an American icon, the Brooklyn Bridge. And so I read three short pieces, an excerpt from Walt Whitman's "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry." written in 1840 before there was a bridge there and then I went through Hart Crane's poem about the Brooklyn Bridge which is kind of a disjunctive modernist thing, and then finally ended up with traffic, what I just read for you. Now the audience, it was really senators and mayors and democratic party donators, sat there very politely and quietly through the Whitman and Crane, the real poetry, but when they heard the traffic reports/

    Paulson: They were laughing I bet.

    Goldsmith: They were howling. There's a shot of Obama leaning back in his chair with a giant smile across his face listening to the traffic report. Maybe it's vernacular. I mean maybe this is just language that people can understand, right. I mean who understands Hart Crane? Who cares about Hart Crane? Nobody. Nobody cares about real poetry. What people care about is the language that's around them and of course these are Washington bureaucrats so they had ideas about gridlock and congestion and delay. There really is narrative in there as well in a way that Whitman gives you impression or Crane gives you disjunction, I'm actually giving you narrative. But I didn't write any of these. So this is the weird thing. The most avant-garde, the most unoriginal, the most uncreative work was the work that went over the very best in the White House.

  4. de citit de aici și mai departe, e incredibil:
